Continuing to support great charities is one of SWP's core values. We are committed to providing the best possible service and also giving back to the community.
It is something we have done ever since we started in 2003 and have been proud to watch our donations grow with us. Our donations for this financial year total $33,077.65 which brings SWP’s overall charitable donations since we started to an amazing $433,077.43!

We are proud to have supported the following charities for our significant donations in the 2023-2024 financial year with the following projects: 

Property Industry Foundation
Working with Bernardo’s and the National Association for Women in Construction, we have made a significant contribution to towards completing a refurbishment to a childcare and refuge space for women who have experienced domestic violence.

The School Of St Jude
Our continued partnership with The School of Jude saw this year’s donation go towards teachers’ salaries, uniforms and educational resources for students

Save the Children Australia, Oxfam and Unicef
Our donations were used towards ongoing support and aid for humanitarian efforts.

In the 2023 Financial year we also donated to the UNSW CHeBa, Wipeout Dementia, Ride to Give, Boys to the Bush and RUOK Day.                      SYDNEY  |  MELBOURNE  |  BRISBANE  |  CANBERRA